Category Fitness fridays

Jane Lockhart Wins at the NKBA Awards

Jane Lockhart, of Jane Lockhart Interior Design in Toronto, recently received several awards from the National Kitchen & Bath Associations (NKBA) in Canada and the U.S. for 2014. The Canadian Pinnacle Award for Design Excellence, the People’s Pick Kitchen Award… Continue Reading →

Goals versus Dreams: A New You in 2015!

Words by Robert Foster  They say who you are in five years will be determined by the people you spend the most amount of your time with, and the books you read. With 2015 drawing near, ask yourself this question:… Continue Reading →

Save Your Sanity with These Stress Solutions Part One

Words by Michelle Armstrong “A man ninety years old was asked to what he attributed his longevity. ‘I recon,’ he said with a twinkle in his eye, ‘It’s because most nights I went to bed and slept when I should… Continue Reading →

Fitness Fridays #48: 5 Ab Workouts We Bet You Didn’t Know About

You might not see them, but trust me—they’re there! And they are as beautiful as anyone else’s. The wildly famous abdominal muscles are a series of four strong, individual layers (rectus abdominis, internal oblique, external oblique and transversus abdominis). Each… Continue Reading →

These People Can Make or Break Your Fitness Goals

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve tried and failed some sort of fitness or nutrition program before. With so many resources out there, shouldn’t it be easy to get in shape? Yet, the statistics tell us that we are… Continue Reading →

Fitness Friday: How to Train Injury-Free

Fitness is a lifelong journey. The key to maintaining an exercise regimen is all about staying injury-free. If you’re not careful when exercising, you could hurt yourself. Here are some easy-to-remember steps to keep you free from injury when working… Continue Reading →

Fitness Fridays #38: Frugal Exercises, SPF and Summer Family Fun!

1. What are some good exercises to do on a tight budget that don’t involve jogging (because my knee is shot)? When you’re looking for low-cost fitness options that give you a great muscular workout and protects and strengthens your… Continue Reading →

Fitness Fridays with Alicia Jones #25: Stretches, Tabata, Interval Training and Nuts!

This will slowly condition your body over time to do more and more cardio. 4. Is it true that nuts can lower your risk for cancer?  You’re definitely not nuts for thinking that this high fat super food can reduce… Continue Reading →

Fitness Friday with Alicia Jones #20: Chili Peppers, Red Blood Cells and Lemon Water!

Welcome back to Fitness Fridays with Alicia Jones! Every Friday, she’ll be answering your questions about health, fitness and nutrition! Here are today’s questions from city residents. 1. I heard chili peppers are good for your health. Something about the… Continue Reading →

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