Managing a chronic health condition isn’t easy. It can often mean big changes to your life which can be overwhelming. Sure, you know what to do; you’ve got instructions from your doctor. But knowing doesn’t necessarily translate into doing—that’s where the Mississauga-Halton Self-Management Program comes in. Maximize Your Health is a free, six-week series of workshops focused on helping you overcome your obstacles.
“Change is hard,” says Megan Suddergaard, manager of the program. “If you make a change and you’re not successful, it doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Life gets in the way sometimes. You just need to identify your barriers, change paths and keep going.”
The program, developed at Stanford University, covers topics such as making action plans, problem solving, dealing with difficult emotions, planning for the future, starting and maintaining exercise programs, and healthy eating. These workshops are offered in community locations. Each group has 12–16 people, and is led by two certified leaders who have chronic conditions themselves. You can self-refer; you don’t need a doctor to do this for you. The program is also offered in French, Tamil and Cantonese.
Here are some upcoming workshops:
Amica City Centre
380 Princess Royal Dr. (around Burnhamthorpe & Confederation)
Sept. 21–Oct. 26
1:00–3:30 p.m.
Loblaws Superstore
3045 Mavis Road (at Mavis & Dundas)
Oct. 16–Nov. 20
9:30 a.m. –12:00 p.m.
Erin Mills Lodge
2132 Dundas W. (around Dundas & Erin Mills)
Oct. 24–Nov. 28
1:00–3:30 p.m.
Mississauga East Ontario Early Years Centre
3160 Tomken Rd. (between Bloor & Dundas)
Nov. 9–Dec. 14
1:30–4:00 p.m.
To find a program in your area or to find out about additional programs, call 905-338-4432, x. 4871 or 1-888-670-6636, x. 4871, or e-mail Betty Clara at: