On April 3, the Dominion on Queen hosted the launch of Robert J. Sawyer’s new novel, Triggers. Dominion is a pub located around Queen and Parliament, and it specializes in craft beers. The event had a great turnout—when we arrived, there was standing room only.
We munched on fries and other hors d’oeuvres during the Q&A, and got to meet some people from Penguin Canada. Bakka Phoenix Books was on hand to sell copies of the hardcover of Triggers and the mass-market paperbacks of Sawyer’s WWW trilogy (Wake, Watch and Wonder). And of course, friends, family and media were there as well.
In our latest issue (March/April), I got to do a lengthy interview with Sawyer and write up a book review for Triggers as well. And it was great, but it was also a little odd approaching those things as a reviewer or I daresay a journalist—because first and foremost, I’m a fan. Waiting in line with bated breath is something I’m a little more accustomed to.
And though Sawyer is very friendly and approachable, I have to admit there was still an element of fanboy giddiness occurring when I got my book signed. It now sits happily on my bookcase alongside all his other works.
Now here’s the cool part: there were some people from the SPACE channel there. And while we were waiting in line, they plucked a few of us—those who’d read the book—to talk briefly about why we were there and what we enjoyed about the novel.
Which means… I’m going to be on TV! Tune in to SPACE (the program is InnerSPACE) tonight at 6:00 p.m. to see an interview with Sawyer and also to see me fumble through my thoughts and hopefully not sound like a jackass. Now what could be more enticing than that? A family dinner? A night out before the long weekend? A romantic encounter? No. Eliminate your plans. SPACE. 6:00 p.m. Do it.
Update: SPACE has put up a link to the segment. Check it out here.